Summer solstice

The summer solstice or estival solstice occurs when one of Earth's poles has its maximum tilt toward the Sun. It happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere. For that... Wikipedia

  • Also called:  Midsummer, the Longest Day, the Shortest Night, Estival solstice
  • Observed by:  Various cultures
  • Significance:  Beginning of lengthening nights and shortening days
  • Date:  June 20, June 21, or June 22, (Northern Hemisphere), and December 20, December 21, December 22, or December 23, (Southern Hemisphere)
  • date:  June 20, June 21, or June 22, (Northern Hemisphere), and December 20, December 21, December 22, or December 23, (Southern Hemisphere)
  • Data source:  DuckDuckGo